Dates and times


Jeffrey R. Stevens


March 22, 2023

For these exercises, we’ll use the dates data set.

  1. Load tidyverse, import dates.csv to dates, and view the data set.
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  1. Convert birth_date to a date object and resave dates.
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  1. Create a column called time1 that converts test1 to datetime and change the time zone to “America/Chicago”.
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  1. Calculate each participant’s age in years at the time of test 1, rounded to 1 decimal place, stored in age and resave dates.
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  1. Calculate the number of days between test 1 and test 2 for each participant and label this column test_diff (and resave dates).
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  1. Create dates2 that subsets the participants who were born after January 1, 1970.
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  1. Create a column named diff_text that writes the following sentence for each participant in dates2: “Participant [insert id] (age: [insert age]) had test 1 on [insert test1] and test 2 on [insert test2], which were [insert test_diff] days apart.”
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