Canine cognition
and the human bond

Jeff Stevens

Department of Psychology
Center for Brain, Biology & Behavior

About me

A bit about me

Canine Cognition and Human Interaction Lab

Dog impulsivity

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What is impulsivity?

Multifaceted concept that includes

  • Response inhibition
  • Delay sensitivity
  • Risk sensitivity
  • Attention

(Strickland & Johnson 2020)

Why impulsivity in dogs?

Why impulsivity in dogs?

Why impulsivity in dogs?

Why impulsivity in dogs?

Why impulsivity in dogs?

Impulsivity and obedience

Impulsivity and obedience

Research Question

Given impulsivity’s importance in relation to obedience, do owners rate more impulsive dogs as less obedient?

Measuring impulsivity

Dog Impulsivity Assessment Scale (DIAS)

Behavioral regulation, aggression, responsiveness subscales

  • I would consider my dog to be very impulsive
  • My dog does not think before it acts
  • My dog appears to have a lot of control over how it responds
  • My dog is not very patient

Measuring obedience

Hiby et al. Obedience

  • Toilet training
  • Chewing household objects
  • Stealing food/objects
  • Sit on command
  • Come to call
  • Leave/give-up object
  • Heel training

Bennett and Rohlf Disobedience

  • My dog does what he/she is told
  • My dog will stay when asked
  • My dog has good manners
  • My dog will sit on command
  • My dog will come when called
  • My dog soils in the house

Study design

  • Surveyed 99 dog owners in six training classes
  • Complete DIAS surveys from 39 owners

Obedience and impulsivity

Obedience and other measures

Obedience and other measures

Owner perceptions of impulsivity

Do owners know how impulsive their dogs are?

Research Question

Owner perceptions of dog impulsivity will predict impulsivity in a behavioral task

Based on and replicated Brady et al. 2018

Measuring owner perceptions

Dog Impulsivity Assessment Scale (DIAS)

Behavioral regulation + aggression + responsiveness

Measuring spatial impulsivity

Study design

Study 1

  • Recruited 117 dogs
  • 65 dogs completed testing and owners completed DIAS

Study 2

  • Recruited 103 dogs
  • 49 dogs completed testing and owners completed DIAS
  • At Kenl Inn

Perceptions vs. reality

Owners not good at predicting dog impulsivity

Impulsivity as a trait

Impulsivity as a trait in domestic dogs

Research Question

Is impulsivity a behavioral trait in dogs?

  • Do dogs’ impulsivity levels correlate across tasks?
  • Do dogs’ impulsivity levels correlate with owner perceptions?

Systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Searched 9,900 records from Scopus, Web of Science, and PsychINFO
  • 13 articles conducted correlations between impulsivity tasks and/or between the Dog Impulsivity Assessment Scale (DIAS) and behavioral tasks


  • A-not-B Barrier
  • A-not-B Cup
  • Box
  • Buzzer
  • Cylinder
  • Delay Discounting
  • Detour Fence
  • Leash
  • Middle Cup
  • Sit-Stay
  • Social Inhibition
  • Spatial Impulsivity
  • Wait-for-Treat

Task examples

Systematic review: task pairs

Systematic review: DIAS and tasks

Impulsivity does not seem to be a behavioral trait

Big team science

ManyDogs Project

ManyDogs 1

Human point following

ManyDogs 2



ManyManys 1

Reversal learning

Big team science can improve our work


Take home message

  • Measuring behavioral traits

  • Measuring owner perceptions

  • Leveraging big team science

Current directions

Connect impulsivity and obedience to hormones and genetics


Canine Cognition and Human Interaction Lab